How to Pay transact Mpesa From Anywhere in the World

So you are worried of how to send Money to Mpesa because you are not in Kenya? Don't worry it is possible to transact with Mpesa from anywhere in the world as you are going to learn form my article below.

M-PESA in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda)

I just saw an advert on our local newspaper saying Mpesa is available in Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania. Also this page on safaricom has simple instructions on how send or receive Mpesa across East Africa: as I have summarised it below for you.


  • Dial *840# on your phone.

2. From Kenya to Tanzania

  • Go to M-PESA and select Lipa Na M-PESA.
  • Select Pay Bill and enter business number 255255.
  • Enter Recipient's mobile number as account number in the format 2557XXXXXXXX.
  • Then Enter amount, M-PESA PIN and confirm the transaction.

3. From Tanzania to Kenya

  • Dial *150*00# on your Vodacom line.
  • Choose“Send money to MPESA Kenya”.

4. From Rwanda to Kenya

  • Dial *830# to send money to Kenya from your MTN line

5. From Uganda to Kenya

  • Dial *165# to send money to Kenya from your MTN line.

Mpesa From Other Parts of the World

Safaricom and a number of money transfer services have partnered to ensure that it is cheaper and smooth to send or receive money in the below mentioned locations.

1. MHITS - FROM Australia TO KENYA

Send money from Australia to Kenya via Mhits. You can send between $50 and $500 at a time. Some limits apply. See their FAQs for more details. Sending money with mHits is really easy! They do everything by SMS. To send money,
  • Type an SMS text message with the following information:
 i.e <pay> <254XXXXXXXXX> <amount> <recipient first name> <recipient last name> <recipient address>
Pay 254711474787
Jackson Siro
Kisii, Kenya
  • Then send your SMS to the mHITs number: 0428 696 448 (0428 MY MHIT). For an example of what to SMS see How It Works.
You will get a response saying "You are about to pay ... repply with 1233 to authorise"
  • You can also use the free mHITs iPhone app to send money. Click here to download.
Things to note:
  • Network charges may apply for sending an sms from a mobile phone.
  • The mobile number of the recipient must be in international format including the country code. The firstname, lastname and address are that of the person receiving the money (beneficiary) and must be included.
  • mHITs works on all Australian mobile networks and on both pre-paid and account plans.
  • You will need to have an mHITs account before you can send money using mHITs.
    Registration is free. Click here to register.

2. Skrill - FROM Any Country to Kenya

With Skrill you will be able to send money directly using their website to an active M-PESA account in Kenya with Skrill iT service. All you need is a name and mobile phone number.
Send money to a Kenyan Skrill wallet holder with just a name and email address. Kenya customers can add M-PESA mobile phone numbers to their Skrill wallet and instantly withdraw directly in to an M-PESA account.
Skrill it now from their website

3. Worldremit - From Any Country to Kenya

With WorldRemit using their website.
1. Choose how you want to send: select M-Pesa, bank deposit, cash pickup or airtime top-up, and enter the amount you want to send. You'll see their low fees and exchange rate up front.
2. Enter your recipient's details: choose from a list of people you’ve sent to in the past, or add a new recipient.
3. Pay for the transfer: both you and the recipient will get notifications by SMS and email when the money is sent and received.


TransferGalaxy lets you send money directly someone's M-pesa using their website 
  • Select your Country and the destination country as "Kenya"
  • Select Service as  "Mobile Wallet"
  • Select Network as "M-Pesa"
  • Select payment type as "Receive"
  • Set amount not less than kshs 800
  • Login and Send

5. XendPay - From Any Country to Kenya

XendPay lets you send money directly someone's M-pesa using their website
  • Click "Send Money Now"
  • Select your Country and the destination country as "Kenya"
  • Enter amount to send and currency
  • On Send Money to option Choose "Mobile Wallet"
  • Finish by pressing "Continue"


Azimo lets you send money directly someone's M-pesa using their website.
  • Set amount your Country and the destination country as "Kenya"
  • Select Delivery method as  "Mobile Wallet"
  • Press "Get Started"


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