Sister-in-Campus 3

he scorching sun's heat could be felt from the way that a few people were still putting on their heavy jackets. It was only in the morning that it had been freezingly cold. Only the aged were still clinging to their sweaters, jumpers and jackets. Old men as usual still valued coats which must have interacted with a drycleaner years before the rainbow confused Moi from his presidency. A man who was stuck between middle age and old age peddled his green Raleigh bicycle slowly from Mbale. His black briefcase with an image of Jesus Christ stuck on its side was tied on the carrier of his bicycle. An umbrella was tied on the horizontal bar of the two wheeled locomotive. His trouser was tacked into his socks to avoiding get greased by the chain. As he passed through Gambogi shopping centre he started to wave to people on either sides of the road. Soon he approached junction where a number of Boda boda riders sat on their motor cycles waiting for customers. Some had turned their bikes into beds while others sat on the bench in a shade nearby.
"I greet you all" the man greeted them all as he turned his bicycle towards the junction ahead of him.

"We are fine Pastor!" They replied in unison. Only a few of them didn't know Pastor Mwanga because he had been evangelising in markets and shopping centers around there. He even conducted burials on Saturdays for those who died with any affiliation to a church. Today of all Saturdays there was no funeral to attend or conduct a service. It was his day out on a weekend. After cycling for a about a kilometer from the main road he stopped by a posh mill on the right side of the road and started walking uphill on a narrow path bordered by thorns. He hoped no one would come from the opposite direction lest he calls for the God of Isaac and Abraham to make a way. Others would be hulling insults and calling their long dead grandparents among other funny names when confronted by such a situation. Soon he reached a compound he thought belonged to Daudi one of his lost sheep though his wife and kids still came to church There was no place for to be called a gate so he just passed by one spot large enough to accommodate him and his bicycle. Daudi's wife who was outside the rusty roofed house washing some clothes saw him and rose up.

"Welcome Pastor." She welcomed him with a broad smile on her face. A small girl came out of the house with a face that looked like she had been crying. Her mum picked and wipes her face with her wet hands.
"Namasaka! Come pick Pastor's bicycle" She called out. And a slightly taller boy and headed to pick the bicycle from the pastor who was barely near the house holding his briefcase in one hand which he had already untied from the bicycle.

"How are you Namasaka?" The pastor asked looking at him happily.
"Fine" Was all Namasaka could say as he put the bicycle under the avocado tree just near the granary. His mother took the briefcase from the Pastor's hand and she led him into the house. She quickly went into the bedroom and changed to a better clothes as the ones she had been on had some discrepancies. The t-shirt had a hole near her left breast while the skirt had been burnt somewhere by an iron box.
Pastor Mwanga later said a prayer like he was used to whenever he visited someone. In his prayer he happened to mention "bless tea and lunch" a clear indication he intended to be around till lunch time. Namasaka found it rather weird yet he had to be quite like it was normal for a guest who was not a relative to stay that long. He would report his mother to his father when he comes back in the evening.

* * * * *

Joyce was all alone in her room singing as she ironed clothes she would be putting on for tomorrow's Sunday service. It was normal for her to be alone on Saturdays since her room mates were often taken out by their boy friends or sponsors depending on how things had worked out on Fridays. Hazy could begin her weekend as early as Thursday evening till Monday evening. By then she would be so tired till Joyce could not help thinking she had been ploughing a 5 acre piece of land with four oxen. Her uncle Wephukhulu and his two sons spent about three days to do it. When Hazy had long weekend Joyce knew she had money waiting for when Hazy gave her assignments to do and notes to copy. Hazy's was very generous at such times to a broke Joyce.
Elsewhere in Manoti Hostels one of the most crowded hostels in the whole of Kisii University students were busy in miscellaneous activities. Manoti hostels which often had its occupants mocked 'being rich' because of its name stood just outside the university perimeter fence. It was one of the private hostels taken by the university to accommodate students who missed hostels within the This hostel was five storeys tall with much smaller rooms compared to those hostels inside the campus. Jaymo and his 'bad friends' stayed in rooms scattered throughout the complex.

"When do you read for your exams or cats?" Jim a tiny inquisitive first year asked Jaymo from his upper bed. He never got tired asking many questions some of which Jaymo ignored like he was deaf. At times Jaymo would be so quite in his bed under him till Jim had to peep and confirm he was there and if he was check he was not dead.
"He he he young man there are smart ways to study. This isn't high school little rat!" Jaymo answered him making Jim happier because it is long since he answered his questions in last two weeks. His mind had lots of unanswered questions which not many people could answer. You had be staying in the same apartment with the likes of Patience, Temperance, Virtue, Wisdom among other members of the council of intelligence to satisfy his questions. Before Jim could ask another question Jaymo had turned on his home theatre with a remote and tuned in Kiss 100 fm on it. The machine when at volume 60 while placed on the floor shook the whole hostels till book worms like Jim had to leave for the library or wherever they could get a session with Peace. Just then Jaymo's phone rang and he reduced the volume if the home theatre.

"Galgalo!" He roared into the phone.
"Yeah, in fact we should be on our way to her room!" Then he laughed sarcastically before dropping the call. He and his friends had an appointment with the sister-in-christ Joyce! They didn't have to be later and waste such an opportunity. He got up and dressed up quickly like he was indeed going to put out a fire.
Funny enough when Jaymo got outside Manoti he found all the four of them outside as if they were waiting for him. Galgalo, Joe and other students were discussing some matches to be played as he intended to bet that evening. He was going broke and yet he needed money to take one for the road since the 'month was in the corner'. Oti and Pk were playing drought with other students whose main task was killing time. Jaymo was left standing between the two groups like a statue waiting for either of them to wind up their business.

It was almost half past two when Joyce heard a soft knock on the door to which she replied to, "Come in!".
"Hear we are" Galgalo announced as he entered followed by Joe and PK.
"Welcome brothers. But where are others?" Asked Joyce.
Jaymo was talking on phone just outside the canteen while Oti was just outside the hostel startled by a few ladies who had just passed him at the door. They were dressed like they were ready for sex.
"Hey ladies" he tried to call them but they ignored him like he wasn't there at all and cat-walked away.

"Hey buddy you don't stop a beauty queen like that. You need a manual." Someone said next him. He felt like squeezing nonsense out of him for insulting him. He just shrugged himself and entered into hostel. He was already pissed off twice and was not going to give a damn to whatever was going on in Joyce room. However he tried to restrain himself as he entered the room calmly forcing a smile. Joyce was standing next to the window like a preacher giving some the trio some bible teaching. While Galgalo sat on the bed, Joe and Pk sat on the chairs next to the table.
"Welcome my brother" Joyce stopped her teaching to greet Oti who just stood their calculating his next move.

"Let's hold our hand together so we can pray", Joyce finally said when she was done with the little teaching she was sharing.
Oti quickly spoke "Why don't we lock the door so that ..."
"... we don't get any intruders!" Galgalo added laughing softly.
Joyce thinking it being a brilliant idea took the keys which were on the table and walked to the door to give to Oti. But Oti moved aside to let her lock the door herself. Oti who had been staring at her all this time could not help admiring her form from behind as she locked the door. He did not wait for her to return he keys to the table when she was done. The keys fell on the floor as he pinned her on her bed and started to grab her long skirt. But she took him by surprise with two powerful slaps left and right. As Oti rubbed his left eye because one slap apparently feel on that eye. He stood up and staggered backwards. She stood up ready to throw a fist which looked like drum sticks but Galgalo was quick to grab her hands behind her and pin her down on the bed. This time she was going to regret why she agreed to lock the door. She could not scream because Joe had stuffed a pair of socks into her mouth.

By now she was only having her bra and blouse on and Oti pants were dangling in his ankles. He had to pinch and slap her because she had her legs together in protest. Just then Pk produced a pen knife and pressed it on chest. There were only two choices: either they win or she looses. Many things were crossing her mind and she didn't know what would be the end of it. Sharp pains struck her like as if she had cut a whole finger as Oti penetrated her. She wished something like a bull dozer could come and save her but none was going to come forth. Even if she wanted to scream supposing the socks had fallen off no one would hear because it was raining outside.


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