Just a dream

It was not yet morning when I woke up to check my phone that was beeping for a while now. I had not set alarms at that particular time so definitely it was either a missed call reminder or an incoming SMS from God knows who at that wee hour of the morning.

I was in for a big surprise. Not just one text but many texts. Among them were texts from some of friends and even ladies whom I had been friends with some time back uptown including this one I had approached lately. What was happening to me? Did they suddenly come back to me all at the same to convert me into astalker?

So I decided to go through the names of the sender's to see who had texted me over such a short time. Among them were some male friends too and even something funny there not one but many Mpesa texts too. As usual I went to read Mpesa texts first.

Wooow! Wooow! Wooow! I was behaving like an ambulance with a siren. The latest text was claiming I was 50k richer than I was before going to sleep. So I went over the rest of the texts from Mpesa to know who had remembered me at that particular. The last time I was a tenth of that rich in my Mpesa I was collecting money for a friend's wedding gift.

I was busy telling my mind this can't be. If this not money sent to my number by mistake then it must money for some project whose owner was yet to call me for more directives. But how could ten or more people send me money wrongly in different amounts.

So then I went to the other texts where the likes of Getrude and Scholar were apologizing for taking long to pay me my money. The landlord texts was there too. He was not reminding me to clear my two months rent but he was saying he was slashing my two months dues because of some services I had rendered to him some months ago! Wooow!

If you are normal man you would be envying me for being refunded by my gold diggers. Am sure I would be owning a big plot in Kamulu Joska if I was not entertain them with money to win them.

Now just then a knock at my door made me take a look at my watch again. It was now 4pm and Mama Debby was knocking at the door. I opened the door and she was there looking apologetic as she could be.
"Here is your money and thanks for your assistance when my husband was away" she said after greetings.

"Is this your Mpesa number?" Asked Someone by the name of Shem over the phone claiming the had lent him some money some years back.
So you mean your ex can actually refund money you had spent on her even if not whole?

I wanted to sleep but with the matter at hand I couldn't. Now I would start to pay my Timiza, Okash, Mshwari, Tala. Off course Fuliza had taken their fee when I started to receive my Mpesa. For now I just wanted it to dawn quickly so I could go out do some shopping. I had slept hungry.

Just then my dad called saying he would refund me the money he had spent on mum's sickness when I sent him money for my building project. It was like two years when this happened and it had killed my dream of building my house at home.
"Didn't you hear your mum was sick?" Was what dad told me when I went home and inquired about my project. But everytime mum was sick I always knew and she told me herself. But then ...

Then I started to hear someone knocking vigorously on my door. The knock metamorphosed into a bang and it was becoming unbearable

I was back to the real world. I opened the door while rubbing my eyes vigorously to find the caretaker standing with a huge padlock in his hand
"Hey Garry, I have been sent to lock your door since you have defaulted for two months to pay your rent"
"Wait" I protested.
"Don't waste my time am getting late somewhere" he said.

The real world was harsh. No one was giving me money. I was instead getting more into depth...

Yes, the real world was harsh. I was getting listed on CRB, my house was getting locked. I had slept hungry and woken up hungrier. I had slept poor and woken up poorer.

After all it was just a dream!!! Dreams don't last for long.

Have a real day!!!!


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