Sister-in-Campus 6

esus of Nazareth! What are doing in the name of a standard procedure?" It was Madam Gladys asking. She was just in time to see a glimpse of what had been going on in darkness. Pastor Mwanga was still shock as His wife let out a loud scream "Uuuuuuui!" Soon the door was filled with all manner of curios onlookers.
The man who had appeared to be a doctor was zipping up his trousers in shame. The patient had a legs uncovered and wide open while she was asleep. Madam Gladys rushed and covered her properly while also making her comfortable. It is Inspector Stima who cleared the door and closed the door behind him. He didn't need a Php in eves dropping to know that there was a new rape suspect in the name of a doctor. Just then another doctor entered the ward whose coat had a name tag 'Doctor Shem'.

"Doctor Shem don't tell me you want to cover up this broad day light witchery!" It was Inspector ranting on his face.
"Have you people turned a hospital into a den of beasts that devour sedated unsuspecting patients while masquarading as doctors?" Pastor was angry till his lips moved even after he had stopped speaking. He wanted to rebuke the evil spirits that he felt were challenging him and even say a prayer but weakness took the better part of him.
"Am sorry Mzee and Mama?.." The doctor started to apologize.
"Mama Joyce!" Mrs Mwanga added.
"Yes we are very sorry about this. Your daughter was in safe hands before this goon here who i even don't know appeared." The doctor went on with the apology.
"Young man what is your name? You look familiar" It was Madam Gladys questioning the fake doctor who had by now turned his face to the wall in shame. He kept quite as if he didn't understand what was being asked of him. Inspector took out hand cuffs which he had carefully hid under his coat.
"Mr. Fake Doctor you are now under arrest and anything you say will be used against you in a court of law." He handcuffed him unceremoniously as pastor and his wife marvelled at him.

"You always walk with your tools of trade!" He was impressed.
"Just like you with a bible I can't walk without a pair of handcuffs to deal with these friends of ours." Inspector say as he forced the fake out of the room."Move you idiot."
Outside the crowds were arguing whether he had put it in out or not. Some reporters who had been tipped were also out there trying to piece up a story of the pastor's daughter that got raped for the second time in a hospital. Inspector could not waste a such a golden opportunity to address them for a chance to be be featured in the local news. His bosses would be so proud of him for restoring people's faith in the police service if not a force.

* * * * *
Daisy and Abby were having a hard time answering questions at the police station where they had been taken silently to record statements. Hazy didn't have a hard time at all recording a statement at the Kisii Police Station. It was not her first time to do it and she knew how to be on point at it. Daisy was scared stiff and at times would mix the past events with the present events like beans and maize in a cooking pot hance enes up being told to start over again with the statement. Abby on the hand didn't want to say anything even though she was the second witness at the state in which Joyce was in when she came in to open for Hazy. The house keeper and security officer were some of the people who had recorded statements. Upto now the different statements recorded were all divergent.

Inspector Stima was already back from the hospital with a bag of exhibit together with the new suspect. He was now busy drafting something in his office as a junior officer took finger prints of the suspect. By now he had already said his name after a few slaps from the officer who was taking his finger prints. "So you are Ochanda?" Stima when he saw the name on his finger print form. The guy simply nodded something that annoyed Stima. "Are you nodding at me instead of talking?" A slap almost landed on his cheek had he not replied with a quick "Yes".
"I believe we are going to be friends for long time having in mind you once escaped our trap sometime back" Stima continued. Ochando was already shivering with fear at the mention of that statement. He didn't expect the escape he had made when a car had been stolen at Erera area from a woman just as she was about to enter to the apartment where she resided.
"Officer! Please keep him inside" Stima ordered the officer behind the O.B desk.

All these time Madam Gladys, Pastor Mwanga and his wife were in the reception waiting for an okay from Stima to leave. They had come in with a white land cruiser with a private number plate that Stima came with to the hospital. Madam Gladys had her a car outside the station and was going to use it back on her way back to the university.
Just then Pastor's phone rang. Daudi's wife was the one calling again since the previous day she had called again.

"Excuse me please I have to pick this call" he excused himself.
Pastor: Praise the Lord my sister.
Daudi's wife: Amen Pastor.
Pastor: I hope you are fine in the Lord.
Daudi's wife: How can I be fine when yesterday I didn't get to say why I was calling you. You said you would call me later but you didn't.
Pastor: Am sorry I forgot about it because I got into something that really took my time and energy. Is it about your husband?
Daudi's wife: Leave that chameleon alone. He just blended in that day when he saw you. At least that day he behaved like my husband but it was short lived after you left.
Pastor: Oh my God! I will surely remember your family in my prayers.
Daudi's wife: thank you pastor. Meanwhile when do I get to see again?
PASTOR: Again?
Daudi's wife: doesn't the shepherd leave a flock of 99 to attend to the lost one ...
Pastor: Okay when I get back home I will plan for That.
Daudi's wife: Thank you pastor and have a blessed day.
Pastor: Likewise.

He dropped the call and found Madam Gladys standing near the station gate.
"Please come into the car we are leaving for the university" She told him as he moved to closer to where she was. His wife was already sited at the back together with scared Abby and Daisy. It was the first time for Joyce's mother was visiting the university.

* * * * *

Godfrey while loitering around the streets of Kisii University had stumbled upon a lady she thought was thought knew where Joyce stayed. He was by now between Hostel Saturn and Jupiter.
"Excuse me please sister" he motioned her as she passed by him.
"Hey" she replied.
"Am looking for Joyce the CU lady, do you happen to know where she stays?" He asked innocently.
"Yeah I know her, she hardly has a BF perhaps you are the one!" she joked.
"Just answer me please it a serious matter" he tried not to sound annoyed.
"That proves the point boy child!"
Godfrey was getting annoyed and didn't want to show it. He immediately started walking away in anger.

"Hey you! I didn't mean it!" She called him but he was busy hurrying away. He almost collided a huge guy who was coming his way from the student mess.
"Please Oti tell him to wait for me" the lady signaled the huge guy.
"Hey, that chick wants you to wait here" Oti said while blocking Godfrey's way.
"Okay now let me go" Godfrey was already annoyed. As he was moving away the lady was just a few paces behind him. Oti went his way into the nearby canteen.
"Hey, can't you forgive someone at for once. Anyway I can take you there where you want to be" she said as she approached him.
"Okay you are forgiven. Can you take me there." Someone was apparently telling the lady something from the window in the upper floor of Hostel Saturn where the lady was now headed. Godfrey didn't pay attention to the person.
Hostel Saturn was darkly light lit and quite a possible reason for these being tripping of the circuit breakers owing to many heavy users of electricity at the same time. Perhaps some ladies were heating water, others ironing as other cooked. Godfrey struggled to see his way through the stairs. As soon as they entered the room where he thought was Joyce's room the electricity came back and the room brighten up.

Anger struck poor Godfrey just like the way lightening had done to Zimbabwe's Mugabe from his presidency on realizing that the person sited on the chair next to the window was nine other than Stacia.
"Stacia see you later" The lady whom by now Godfrey had not bothered to know her name said as she closed the door behind her. Godfrey made as if to follow suite but Stacia stood up and signalled not to.
"Please don't go sweetie. I was just thinking about you when I saw you passing by and texted my good friend to bring you to me." Stacia said slowly while observing the reaction of Godfrey. She wore a broad smile all along like she was some smile queen being interview in some woman talk show on TV. Godfrey was busy shifting his weight from one leg to another a serious attempt to calm the other guy down there. Continuos staring at this amazingly beautiful and seductive slim bodied brown lady was catastrophically affecting his feelings. He tried to fix his gaze on the floor but felt like her eyes were illuminates on her like full lights of a new car.
"No I am not boarding" he finally managed to say.
"Why" she was moving closer to him. Just one step and he would be opening the door.

"I say No!"
"Am I not attractive to you? Why do you want that Mama Kanisa?"
"Am I speaking in French to you when I say No? I didn't subscribe to this!"
"Not really but I can see you Johnie has already subscribed to my ..."
Shame and anger were chewing Godfrey as he felt cornered like a buffalo in a river with a pride of lioness on both sides. She was close to him and he could smell her scent.
"I will not lock the door like the way you men do when you want a lady. However If you leave now I will scream that you just raped like the way they did to her!"


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