Sister-in-Campus 7

aped who?" Godfrey was alarmed that someone had been raped recently.
"They raped the one you are looking..." Stacia replied without thinking twice.

"Joyce!" He could not believe it. He was getting shocked till his johnnie was no longer attention. His brain was looking for answers like there was no more time to look for them. Stacia was already hugging him and was expecting him to reciprocate. She was surprised even with her breasts on his chest, her hands caressing his back and her head buried on his neck she was getting no reaction from him in return. She had expected to feel his hard penis pressing against her like one when she hugged a cousin of hers. She turned to look at him only to see his gaze fixed on the window.

"Stacia thanks for the information" He said to her as he moved towards the window. She almost fell down on the process and he had to hold her up. Their lips almost interlocked into a kiss had he not turned his face away. Stacia now realised she had made a mistake to mention the rape case. She was fighting a losing battle. Standing against the window Stacia was right behind him tightly embracing him till you would think it was a scene in an Italian soap opera. Godfrey was surprised to see Madam Gladys walking with a man and his wife together with some university security guards. They entered into the neighbouring hostel Jupiter.

"Excuse me Stacia", he finally said making as if his to go.
"No you can't leave me like this?" She pleaded.
Godfrey knew he had to do something clever to lest he looses the battle he felt he was winning.
"Okay would you mind of I use the washrooms because I need to go for a short call", he managed to say. Stacia didn't know whether to believe him or not. She gave him a benefit of doubt and released him.
"Okay I will my books here so that you know am coming back."
"It's okay sweetheart"
As she sat on the bed he left for the door promising to be back as soon as possible. The nearest male hostels were just behind Hostel Jupiter. As he left the hostel he was confused whether to into Hostel Jupiter and follow the people he saw or just run away. He believed the people he saw were Joyce's parents and maybe there a security operation now going on in her room. As he turned to head back to Manoti he felt the wind blowing into his trouser. His hands did not need to feel for his zip. He just wished he had not released anything into his trouser. Shock hit him on realising that Stacia had managed to unzip his trouser. No wonder some ladies he had met on his way out of the hostel were laughing at him.

* * * * *

The news on the radio was not good for Jaymo and his 'bad' friends. A story of a university student allegedly raped twice with the second attempt being in hospital ward was worrying. Jaymo was trying to correct an error that his friends had done but ended up in more errors. His friends had done something he was planning to handle diplomatically in a corporal way. It's during that time he had been speaking on phone for long when he find his friends leaving the room of Joyce a crime scene.
He didn't need to be told that Gori who had been sent to confiscate the tape evidence was now in police custody. He was now scratching his head looking for alternatives since he didn't need to be into any trouble now that he was trying to gain popularity for the forthcoming elections. He was planning to vie for presidency in KUSU. Just then his phone was ringing with a new number. He was used to getting calls from strangers most of the time.

Jaymo: Hello?
Caller: Are Jaymo?
Jaymo: Yes! And you are?
Caller: Am calling you from Kisii Police Station. We got your friend Gori, Are you going to do something about him or we do our thing?
Jaymo: Can I speak to him quickly?
Caller: Do it quick!
Jaymo: Gori you are a fool of the first order. What do you think you were doing there at the hospital?
Gori: Am sorry I was not myself.
Jaymo: I will see how to help you but you should know it comes a high price you bastard.
Gori: I will appreciate it. Now let me speak to the Askari
Caller: Have you reached a good solution?
Jaymo: Yeah can we meet at big coastal hotel this afternoon?
Caller: Yeah because boss already knows and it is just a matter of time before other things are done.

The call was dropped just in time before Godfrey entered the room.
"Hi, is Jim around?" He creates and inquires about Jim.
"I don't know because he left in the morning, I just got back" Jaymo answered without looking at him. He was typing something on is iPhone. Godfrey was kind of impressed with the phone he only saw in movies only and with rich people. Just as he was about to leave he bumped into Jim.
"Jim, Have you heard?" He didn't bother to apologize.
"About what?" Jim hoped it was not another saga in store as he was in a hurry to go back to the library.
"Jim Joyce being absent in class was not such a small issue!" Godfrey continued as Jim got busy searching for some notes in his closet.
"Goddy are you knowing it now? The girl was in hospital as from yesterday when she found helpless in her room" he shocked him as he thought Jim didn't know about the condition of Joyce.
"Jim you would have told me about it and not let me learn from the sick lady Stacia" Godfrey protested.
"I wanted to tell you but I saw you and Stacia having a moment of silence then you went separate ha ha ha" Jim was laughing at him but Godfrey pretended he didn't hear that.

"I had Joyce's exercise books with me and after searching for her room for so long I ended up in Stacia's room" Godfrey went on.
"You see you are into that lady"
"It's not what you think Jim, I was only looking for where to leave Joyce's books. I don't get the room but I left the books in Stacia's room." Godfrey said finally showing as of to go. Jim signalled him it was okay to go as he was already done with what he wanted and they left together.
All this time Jaymo was pretending to be busy with his phone. He was enjoying the conversation between the two kids. He had even ended up knowing things he hadn't known before. Just then he remembered the meeting he was to have with some officer and Mombasa Hotel near the main stage. He was almost late and left the room half running half walking. His boda boda operator was already there waiting for him patiently. He was just about to sit on the motorcycle when someone touched him on the shoulder. It was Madam Gladys the dean.
"Madam if you don't mind am rushing somewhere can't it wait?" Jaymo pleaded with her even before she could say why she had stopped her. He was one of the few students who had the guts to keep senior university officials waiting.

"Looks like you are going to put out a fire somewhere, don't let me leave the office without seeing me!" She said and turned to go back to the offices.
Petro was growing worried though he had been trying to suppress his worry with a smile. Ever since Joyce joining the university at Kisii their communication had gone down completely. She was not responding to his texts anymore like before. He never wanted to speak to anyone about the issue having faith she would speak soon.
"Mwalimu!" Someone was calling him as he passed by the boda boda shade. He was not used to be called by that name which he believed was reserved for old teachers maybe retired like his father. He was on his way to the health centre since he wasn't feeling well.
"Mwalimu Petro!" He turned this time around to see who was calling him. It was Daudi sited on a brand new Bajaj motor cycle. Daudi stood up and came to where he was.

"Mwalimu you look sick" Daudi continued.
"Looks like you know me boss" Petro replied as they shook hands.
"I am Daudi one of the parents at your school. My kids are Namasaka and Masela"
"Well well now I remember you" Petro nodded as he went on to remind him of how his bright children were being failed in schooling. They never came to school frequently sometimes due to lack of fees and at times reasons not known.
"I am working hard to sort that among other issues. I lost my job at the city but now some lady has employed me to operate this new machine" Daudi explained.
"I need to get to the health center because I asked for permission to get there and be back in two hours time" Petro explained.
"It's such a pity if you can't be given a day off when you are sick" Daudi said sadly.

"Things would be easy if I was a married like you" Petro replied.
"Don't say what you don't know young man. Let me take you there and later to the school on my bike"
"I don't have money Daudi, we haven't been paid lately"
"Who said you are paying? It's offer from me."
"God bless you so much Daudi."
"We are brothers meant to help one another and I know you will help me somewhere where I need your assistance" Daudi said as he motioned him to board.
Petro did not have time to ask him more because Daudi switched on the new motorcycle with button and off they were gone.


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