Sister-in-Campus 8
lot had happened in a span of one week that
Joyce had a lot of catching to do. She didn't know where to start from yet she
had to. Madam Gladys had assigned herself as her counselor since she didn't
want the poor girls problems to be known to others. Everyone had wanted to know
who was first year girl who had been raped twice. Her parents had left for
Vihiga frustrated just as they had come. From the rape suspect escaping or
being made to escape to not being able to take their daughter back home to rest
because an approaching exam. The only thing they were happy is that their only
daughter was on her way to recovery.
"There are
alot of assignments to be done and I will help you some and the remaining we
can get them from some of my friends in class." Stacia said as she settled
next to her in Joyce's room. Stacia had stopped chasing Godfrey and started
associating herself with Joyce. She was glad this time Joyce had reduced her
spiritual talks like she used when they were just admitted. It all started on
that day when Godfrey was in her room and he used an excuse of going for a
short call to escape from her trap. The books he left behind turned to belong
to Joyce, so the day she heard she was back from the hospital she decided to
take her books. Joyce who had been out of the campus for a whole two weeks.
"That would be
grateful dear of you!" Joyce replied interrupting her thoughts. They soon
got busy with the assignments till they never heard someone enter the room. He
almost got to where they were but Joyce was quick to sense. "Oh my
"Kalos! Why do
you want to scare us to death?" Stacia said as she recovered from her
"Not really my
dear" Kalos replied a mischievous grin on his face.
Stacia got up from
her seat and gave him a tight long hug that even got Joyce upset. First she was
trying to keep a good distance from the boy child, secondly she was still
healing from the aftermath of the rape incidence. Any romantic gymnastics near
her was enough to provoke her and had the hugging couple disengaged she would
have stood and thrown her hands in protest.
<< One week Ago
Kalos was the boy
that saved Stacia from having a bad day at the computer lab after Godfrey had
deserted her. It was a bad day for her to loose a man when she really needed
one desperately. She never thought a man could escape her trap so easily like
Godfrey had done. However she had gained when she strayed into the computer lab
to browse God-knows-what.
me", she turned to her neighbor on her right out of frustration as she bit
her nails. "Can't login to my Gmail!"
Her neighbor who
turned out to be Kalos helped her so much with recovering the Gmail account
though she was not really concentrating in the stuff. She was just enjoying the
company of an ICT guru. His laptop was running a strange software which she
could not understand and she could not understand how he was able to use his
laptop and the desktop computer before him at the same time.
“I really need some
coaching in this tech stuff if you wont mind. I am just a BComm student very
green in Computer related stuff”, She requested when they were leaving the lab.
“I am not such an
expert in it but my course in Computer Science is what pushes me beyond my
limits. Actually the learning curve for us is very stiff. I wont mind helping a
beautiful lady like you especially when am free. Which is your room?”
“I stay in Hostel
Saturn 13. When can we start even if it is today? ”
“I am sorry today
I’m kind of busy and will try to see if I can make it this weekend”
Today ...
“You promised to
come over in the weekend but you didn’t show up” Stacia lamented to him.
“Am sorry something
came up and I had to go to town to fix it. It is very foolish we never got to
exchange contacts” Kalos apologized.
“How could we have
exchanged phone numbers yet you didn’t have yours?” Stacia went on. “So how did
you know I was here?”
“Stacia I gave you
mine and expected you to text or please call me.”
“But Kalos remember
I told you am still learning how to use the smartphone”
“Okay then I will
see how to help you learn this things faster”
Stacia wondered
loudly that Kalos was such a genius to have been able to locate her without the
help of a phone. But he simply reminded her that he had seen her from the
window where she was sited and located her based on the location of the window.
Anyhow that was still genius to her since se would not be able to locate a room
just by looking at the window.
“So what is that
that came up over the weekend?” Stacia asked as Kalos tried to settle on the
seat farthest on the table. Stacia who by now was back to writing the
assignments was sandwiched between Joyce and Kalos.
“My laptop had a
problem with its display unit, screen connector was faulty hence it was
affecting the resolution of my display unit” Kalos explained.
“Kalos that is
enough for a nut like me. You can help my friend here to get some notes from
the email and print.” Stacia was now diverting the discussion since she had
nothing from what Kalos had been explaining.
“Kalos you ICT guys
are really making life very hard for us. From KRA, HELB and now Gmail”, Joyce
said painfully.
“But that is where
the world is heading to ladies”, Kalos protested. A long silence followed as
Kalos tried to do something on his laptop. His mind was fixed on Stacia as he
watched her from the corner of her eyes. Stacia on the hand was equally happy
seeing Kalos there. Joyce was quite all through paying attention to what she
was writing on the papers.
“Now in fact we
will need you to help us type some assignments for us on your laptop then you
will also print for us!” Stacia spoke in soft but rather commanding voice to
the astonishment of Kalos. He hated doing this kind of jobs in his second year
yet he knew as much as it looked like torture to him it had far reaching
* * * * *
Weeks later exams
were now approaching very fast and all the parting would soon be on hold till
after the exams especially for the first years. Hazy just like Jaymo and his
bad friends were all good as they didn’t have to worry about what was coming.
Life was as usual to them. While Hazy depended on the male lecturers to pass
her exams, Jaymo always got the papers from his friends in Egerton University,
Laikipia Campus. The exams that they did at Kisii University was always done
there first before being passed here a secret that few people knew about. The
examination department knew it was a big loophole but had nothing to do about
it since such decisions were carried out from the top. It was a decision that
the governing council had reached after it emerged that most lecturers who were
on contract were not ready to set new exams as a boycott for their late
All this time Joyce
was keeping a low profile choosing solitude when she was not in class or in the
company of Stacia who she was becoming found of. Most of her CU friends were
taken aback by her unusual behavior of solitude since she had lost the zeal to
be in their midst. A few who had tried to bring her back had failed terribly.
She now hated them for not being with her when she was in her worst moments.
Were it not for Madam Gladys, her parents, Stacia and a few friends she would
have not come back to campus. She would have probably committed suicide just
like anyone else who would have been in such a position.
All was going on
well with her till one day she decided to pay Stacia a visit in her room. She
knocked the door but nobody answered, she turned the knob and the door opened.
The scene of Stacia and Kalos stack naked in the middle of a mind blowing sex
from the way the two were lost in another world was too much for her. Stacia
had told her she was going to be relaxing that day in her room as they awaited
for the end of semester exams. “So this is what she was calling relaxing?” she
kept asking herself as she retraced her footsteps back to her room. The
memories she had been fighting to shed off were back again and she almost
bumped into Godfrey hurrying off to some place she didn’t care to know.
“Hey Joyce!”, He
called on her cheerfully but she wasn’t in the moods at all. She simply passed
him like she didn’t know him at all. She soon disappeared into Hostel Jupiter
into her room. But Godfrey with his persistence followed her right into her
room. She managed to close the door behind her with a lock as if she had seen
Godfrey following her.
Joyce" Godfrey called out.
“Who is it?” She
asked angrily.
“Its me Godfrey I
want to talk to you” Godfrey answered from outside.
“Just go am not
talking to you now”
“How about later?”
“Never! I just need
She felt like
people should just leave her alone. Godfrey was supposed to come and help her
to witness the good news on the very day Jaymo and his bad friends were to come
to her room. She had planed it very well knowing that Godfrey and another CU
would be of much help on that particular. Unfortunately none had turned let
alone apologizing via a text that they would not come. So when the time came
she began to attend to her guests hoping that her friend would come in the
process unfortunately things turned different. This was why she was bitter with
people like Godfrey, bitter with the entire CU and even anyone she thought
would have helped but didn’t. In fact some CU members never believed her that
she was going to do evangelism right in her room to the likes of Jaymo. From
outside Godfrey could hear the soft sobs of Joyce. He saw himself as a fool
looking for trouble standing outside there. If someone came and found her there
they would definitely think of many things about him. Perhaps they would
associate him with the bloody incident that had occurred to the sobbing Joyce.
He left slowly feeling wasted and confused over the whole scene. It was getting
dark when he stepped outside Hostel Jupiter. He immediately left towards Manoti
hostels to see his friend Jim whom he believed was back to his room.
Joyce on the hand
had stopped crying. She was sure Godfrey had left and she felt like visiting
the washrooms. She was rushing there to vomit though she didn’t remember
anything that she had eaten that could make her vomit. As she came back she
picked up her phone to call her mother and ask her about her vomiting condition
as it was a rare one to her. Her fears needed to be clear. However as her
mother picked up the call noises of wailing filled her ears from the
Joyce: Hello mum
Mum: Hello my
Joyce: What is
going on there?
Mum: Hope you are
doing well my daughter.
Joyce: Am fine
mother. So what is it there?
Mum: We are
mourning the death of Daudi.
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