Sister-in-Campus 13

etro’s happiness seeing Joyce back was slowly turning into something else. She didn't come to the front when Pastor called her but instead choose to stand up where she was sited and wave before siting down. After the service was over she didn't feel like staying behind like she used to. She only walked to the road and boarded one of the motorcycles waiting there.
“She is now a campus girl and no longer your type!” someone said that behind Petro as he walked on towards the road. He turned to find Debra walking a few paces behind him.
“Mama Namasaka am okay with her leaving I am just surprised we agreed to meet after church but she has left without a word” Petro lamented.
“I think she has something she needs to attend to if she is not tired” Debra commented.
“She has changed greatly and for once she leaves most of us who relied on her for a number of chores confused” Petro continued to lament.
“When do you plan to come and fix a few things in my compound like the leaking roof, you promised me remember”, Debra asked.
Petro had for a long refused to keep his own promise to come and fix the leaking roof of the late Daudi’s house. He just didn't know why he couldn't get enough strength to either refuse or go there. Now that Joyce was back he was becoming more restless with doing his normal duties. He just wanted to get a one on one meeting with Joyce at least to know they were still on the same page or not.
“I will make time to come there and fix all of your problems!” Petro said absent mindedly. Debra laughed till tears started to trickle out her eyes.
“We that is funny of you Pet, you can't fix all of my problems, you know I am a widow.” She explained to him why he had laughed. “Anyway I will pay at least five hundred bob for the repair work I need done around my home.”
As people began coming out of the church compound Petro excused himself to go back to the church as Debra bordered a boda boda. Just then Petro’s phone rung and he saw it was Joyce calling.

Petro: Hello My sister.
Joyce: Hello Petro.
Petro: You left early today
Joyce: I had an issue I needed to sort out.
Petro: So are you done with it?
Joyce: No am not. In fact I need to talk to you about it.
Petro: That would be great, as I have been wondering how we can have a face to face talk.
Joyce: But first a little favour
Petro: Which one?
Joyce: Can you get me some 500 bob for me I will refund you soonest.
Petro: Emmmh… I will try to see if I can get it for you by Wednesday
Joyce: Thanks in advance
Petro: But then I think we will have to meet so I can hand it you.
Joyce: But you are forgetting Maisha in Mpesa Tu…

The call ended before she could finish saying what she intended to say. Petro was now left in wonderment on what was happening to Joyce that she now even wanted money. And the money was in fact to be sent over mpesa and not by hand delivery as they were all in the same village.

Monday mid-morning Petro made up his mind to wake up and head for Debra’s homestead because he was very broke. He had not been his dues of the past three months at his school yet again there were no holiday tuition to make quick money. He could not go to work at the construction site near the Gambogi junction. He badly wished he was not a teacher so that he wouldn't worry about his reputation. His mother had already gone to the farm.
“Finally you are here Petro!” Debra said after welcoming him. She then  served him some porridge and chapatis which he hungrily consumed.
“Were you expecting someone else?” He asked when he was done.
“Yeah but he changes his mind the last minute” she replied. “Why did you ask that?”

“I just wondered how you ended up preparing chapatis early in the morning. By the way where are the kids?”
“I sent them to their grandma a week ago”
Debra who sat opposite to where Petro sat was giving Petro a hard time. Every time their eyes met he looked away like he was avoiding something. She knew young men like Petro were always shy when in the presence of married women or rather widows like herself. All she wanted from him was his manpower in repairing the leaking roof of the bedroom. A new ladder stood by the granary. He lifted it himself, placed it on the wall where he could climb to the very spot where she had shown him.
“You must be very strong Petro” she said as he worked on the roof.
“Why do you say so?” he asked her.
“You just lifted a ladder which took two men to carry the other day when it was made by the men I hired to redo my roof.” she answered. “But they must have made a miscalculation somewhere leaving a hole right where my bed is meant to be!”
“Was wondering how come your new roof is leaking” Petro said as he finished his work. Just as he was about to come down he thought he saw someone watching him from the foot path. But as he turned to look properly the person turned to go. He could not see clearly who she was.
“These men took my money in excess and left a lot of unfinished work!” Debra lamented.
“What else is remaining?” he asked when he had climbed down and returned the ladder to its initial position.
“The gate and the chicken house need a lot of fixes” she explained as she led him around the compound. Petro was so determined to get the money he had been promised till he didn't notice Debra was watching him from time to time.
“If we had such hard working men like you in this village we would be very far, in fact I will give you a double portion” she said finally when he was done with the repairs.
“Thank you so much I was so broke we haven't been paid for a long time.” He could not help hide his joy as he received his 1000 bob.
“If you stayed longer I could prepare you some lunch” she added.
“No I should leave immediately” Petro tried to would firm.
“It's okay you can always come another day to help me with more of my problems”

“Like which one?”
“My zuku needs to be fixed, need to move my bed so I can rearrange my bedroom, painting the house and others”
“Okay I will fix another day to come do that for you God willing.”
“When can that be Petro?”
“Can't say when but I hope it be soon am not sure about it”.
“You better be.”
As petro left the compound he looked behind himself and got surprised to find her watching him as he went. She waved at him and he too reciprocated. He could not understand her but decided not let that bother him so much. Later on he called Joyce to ask her if she had gotten the money.

Joyce: Thank you for the money.
Petro: How about our meeting?
Joyce: It won't be possible
Petro: But why? What happened?
Joyce: I changed my mind about it Petro.
Petro: What made you change your mind?
Joyce: Petro una maswali mengi na we si polisi.
* * * * *
 “My dear I think something is wrong with our daughter” Pastor said a few days later to his wife at the kitchen.
“Why do you say so?” she asked curiously though she happened to know his mind. She always knew where he questions were directed as soon as he asked. She behaved like she had a mind reader in her system to discern his thoughts.
“She seems to be hiding and avoiding publicity instead of doing her normal things she used to before she joined the university like Sunday school, choir, youth ministry. Here at home is like she wants to stay in her room most of the time.” Pastor gave a summary of Joyce's behaviors.
“What do you expect her to do after being raped?” she asked.
“You as her mother should help her to gain her normal self back” pastor said.
“What? You can't say that as if you have no role to play?”
“So how do I deal with a pregnant daughter for instance?”
“What did you just say? How can you say that?”
“I can say it with confidence after I was told by Madam Gladys two weeks ago”
“What sort of a husband are you to keep such secrets from me? Am a woman I should know and if I don’t I will surely know!” Joyce’s mother was going crazy with every statement her husband uttered. It was like he was keeping a lot of things to himself like a bomb waiting to explode. Their silence was soon interrupted by the entrance of Joyce. She had heard everything that was being said about her.
“Mum and dad I can't have you two arguing about me like this” Joyce announced.
“Before you get far with that tone we will have you abort that thing growing inside you” her father cut her short leaving her and her mother shocked.


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