Sister-in-Campus 18

he was walking along Mwembe towards town slowly like an overloaded truck. For sure she was just as heavy as a truck from the way her stomach was protruding. The road she was trekking on was one of the mostly busy roads in Kisii especially owing to the fact that most students who studied at Kisii University used it. Most of Mwembe and its environs was habited by students from various universities and colleges with Kisii town. However with all that human traffic still no one collided with the pregnant campus girl.

A shiny Toyota Rush screeched its brakes and stopped a few meters ahead of her almost risking being knocked from behind by a speeding matatu. The conductor of the matatu hulled insults at the driver of the Rush. He didn't bother to return the insults with anything other than ignorance. He was keen to watch at his side mirror for the girl who had made him stop there. He prayed that it would not take lest the Kanjo men come quickly to clamp his new car or tow it to the police station. Either way close to fifteen thousand would be robbed from him for something that could have been dismissed by word of mouth.

“Hey”, he called her as she passed by the car. She didn't bother to look as she thought that maybe it was just someone else a stranger who was trying to be nice to another stranger. He hooted but that didn't catch her attention and so he got out of the car and walked after her. He tapped over her shoulder and she turned hoping it was someone she knew.
“Mmmh Excuse me”, he was trying to remember her name. “Joyce!”
“Do I know you?” Joyce asked.
“Yes you do, dont I look familiar to you?” he asked her.
“You do but it's just that I can't remember your name and even where we met”
“I am Hudson and we met a few months ago when you were travelling home in a matatu, then you had a problem paying your fare, dont you remember now?

“Oh yeah now I remember, then you must be having a good memory, me I dont remember such things
“May be Yes may be no, I was hoping to give you a lift to town, so shall we?” When they has settled in the car she told him she was headed for a cyber in Ouru Complex to print some stuff and even bind it. Hudson on the other hand was going towards Nyamira. He would therefore drop her there and later proceed to Nyamira as he intended.
“Ladies tend to remember more than men can, men on the other hand tend to forget more than women can” Hudson continued talking. Just then a boda boda swerved right and left on front of him and he reciprocated by swerving to the right but then he had swerve to the left to avoid hitting an oncoming trash truck. He narrowly missed it.
“Whew! Thank God” he sighed with relief for such a narrow escape. “That guy nearly got us killed”

“Joyce! Joyce! Are you there?” Joyce was not responding to him anymore. She was stretching herself to the back holding her tummy. Hudson pressed a button on her side and her chair stretched to the back. At that moment he thought that maybe he should get her to some hospital to be checked because it was like she had fainted. He was not almost at Ouru Complex he turned into Total petrol station and came out to the road driving towards where he had come from. He needed to get her to some good private he trusted like Christamarriane Hospital where he once took his wife to deliver.
“What happened to her? What did you do to her?” the nurses were all over him with many questions.

“You must be very careless young man to do such stupid swerves on the road you have killed a pregnant woman!” one sister in charge said.
“What do you mean pregnant woman?” he asked surprised.
“Are you blind to see that she is with child?” the sister retorted angrily.
“in fact come over to the office we write down some reports, we are admitting her into the maternity ward for close monitoring as she recovers from her present condition.”

* * * * *

It was the third time Kalos was in the house of Eunita yet the first he was alone there. Eunita had left shortly to check on something in her office that her boss had called her for. He roamed in the house till he got into her bedroom. It was larger than their sitting room back at home. A big family bed on one corner, an executive design couch on the other corner, a large Samsung TV hang somewhere on the wall. To him it was like a sitting room, a bedroom and yet a study room combined since a small study table was in that room too.

He quickly switched on the TV and started to scroll though the channels till he got to mNet Action 6 one of his favorite channels on DSTV. An exciting movie was showing and he settled down on the couch to watch it. But he felt like lying somewhere flat and continue to watch. The bed was the better option for such a need.
“Rich people have big beds yet they hardly sleep on them and TVs they hardly watch” he said to himself as he made himself comfortable. Sleep soon caught up with him and he could not help himself complying to it. Soon he was in dreamland doing crazy things similar to the ones he had seen in the movie he had slept watching.

Things started to change slowly by slowly as he approached a woman whom he thought looked familiar to him. The complexion of her body was much beyond his imaginations till he doubted if she was really a human being or an angel. Suddenly she started running and he followed her as she kept hiding behind trees and flowers. Then as soon as he caught up with he sat down with her and he began to play with her hands. The woman did not protest or deny him anything. She just smiled and let him do whatever he liked with her. It was as if she was his slave. With each passing moment their breathing which was now in unison kept increasing like that of an athlete approaching the finishing line. He woke up shortly as soon as he felt he was kind of peeing. Eunita lay by his side completely as God had created her just like he was, smiling and panting at the same time. She was definitely the woman in the dream.
“You are very good Kalos, I had been starving” Eunita said as she turned to kiss him.
“So you mean it was not just a dream?” he asked her.
“It was a dream come true or should I say it was a live dream” she said as she laughed at him.
“But you should have asked for permission” he was protesting.
“Did you ask for permission to sleep on my bed?” she asked him.
“Don't bother to reply my sweetheart.”
“I feel ashamed of myself Eunita” Kalos said as he shook his head.
“No need to, I have been having you on my mind for a long time but you have been offline till today”
“I broke the screen of my phone last semester while trying to save some girls my classmates from some bullies”
“Sorry about that my dear. I can have you replace the phone with a new one.”

“But I will have to re download most of my stuff all over again”
“Don't worry I got Wi-Fi in here plus you can always sync data to restore your lost content.”
“It will mean most of my recent data will be missing, I would rather fix my other phone first I love it that way”
“Okay you will have your way, meanwhile dont fear to ask me for anything Kalos sat up and looked at her lying there,
“You mean anything?”
“Yeah I mean anything” she assured him.
“Like a MacBook?” he went on. Kalos had always coveted a Macbook for a long time.

“Well that is a tall order but I will try my level best not to disappoint you”
“Even if it is a second hand MacBook pro on olx I won't mind” he added.
“Provided you don't disappoint me”
“How? What do you mean Eunita”
“Just call me Sweetheart, anyway I mean be there when I need you”
“Well that is not hard I promise”
“Promise me you will forsake others and cling to only me.” Eunita said that as she looked directly to his eyes. This was not an easy one but he would give it a try.
“Yes sweetheart” he said it without giving it much thoughts.
“Okay let's now do it while you are awake then we can go shower and have our dinner!” Eunita said as she prepared herself for another race with him taking charge.


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