Sister-in-Campus 19

ongratulations Mr. Hudson your wife has a bouncing baby boy!” the sister announced an eager Mr. Hudson when he came to the office. It was the second day after he had brought Joyce to the hospital and had just come to check on her before going off to work.
“She was just a friend and not my wife as you just said” he corrected her.
“Am sorry but she said so when we took her in yesterday” the sister disapproved him. The sister then made a call to someone whom she told to come over to the office. Hudson was by now wondering what had made her say such a thing which could not be proven. Just then another sister entered the office after knocking shortly only the door. The two sisters started to converse in low tones for some time and then they would at times stop to look at him something that puzzled him as he sat there thinking about many things in a disorganized pattern.

“Sorry sir but am afraid we would have to conduct a DNA test to prove that you are not the father of the new born baby” the other sister who had just come in said to Hudson after they had stopped to talk to each other. That statement hit him like a hot slap on the face unexpectedly and woke him up from his thoughts
“Sorry did I hear you say a DNA test?”
“Yes we said so sir” the sister said looking at him on the face.
“But can that wait because I want to get to work first?” He asked hoping to get a fairer deal.
“No we need you to sign some papers and also help her in processing the childs birth certificate then you take her home to rest” the other sister who was sited said.

“Besides it is you who decided to bring her here so you will have to be cool and play by our rules.”
The situation was now totally going to affect Hudson in the office where he was being waited to sign some contract on behalf of his company. The sisters were now standing by the door and wanted him to follow them into the lab where most of the DNA stuff was to be carried. He wanted to see her and the baby but they would not allow him till he had taken the test as they had stipulated for him. The missed calls on his phone were increasing minute after minute till he decided to pick one from his boss.
“The client we were expecting has decided to come tomorrow instead so dont mind being late today because even me am out of office to check on someone till afternoon”, the boss said over the phone when he picked the call. Hudson clinched a fist and say
“yes!” as he threw his fist upwards. The sisters did not understand what could have made do that.

“Mr. Hudson did you win some Lotto or Sportpesa?” one of them asked ignorantly. Hudson laughed softly before answering them.
“No it’s none of the above sisters. It is just to do with work” he replied them.
“Well the results from the DNA are not just that you are not the father to the child but you are infertile” the sister said to him as she tried to adjust her spectacles you would think it is the spectacles that were responsible in relaying the results. Hudson could not find himself laughing at the whole thing which to him was a big a joke. He had a family back at home with two beautiful kids a boy and a girl it was not possible he was barren. The sisters waited for him to finish laughing and adjusting his coat.
“What is funny there Mr. Hudson?” the sister asked in the most serious face she had ever shown him that morning.

“Actually you were people can’t stop amazing me”
“Or are you doubting our integrity sir?”
“No am not can you simple go ahead and discharge her as I already paid when I was just from taking the DNA test?” he asked standing up.
“No problem she will be ready in an hours time so you can step out there and wait there on the reception bench the nurse said as she opened the door for him to go outside. Two hours later he was escorting a happy Joyce into his car in the parking lot as he held her handbag for her. Most of the people mistakenly thought the two were a couple and that was there their first born child.
“Thank you so much Hudson, I never thought that this day would come and go easily” she said as she made herself comfortable in the car.
“I know it was very scary to you since it is your first one since my wife has been there like four years before.” He said as he turned the ignition key of the car.

“I didn't know you had a wife!” she exclaimed.
“In fact a beautiful one with two light skinned kids, a boy and girl” he was laughing as he drove slowly towards Kisii University.
“But you are dark skinned” she said absent mindedly. He almost knocked some students walking along the road from that question. One of the students actually hulled an insult at him “Malaya wewe!”
Joyce realized she had said a wrong statement and was quick to apologize “Sorry if I offended you!” They both remained silent till they got to the gate. As she alighted from the vehicle a few students buying from the canteen from recognized her.

“Hey, finally here.” Said one of them as they came to greet her. She was not willing to let them carry her a few hours old child.
“Hey Joyce you didnt tell me that this was happening It was Madam Gladys the dean approaching the car from the right. Titus was just behind her too in a brand new suit making him looking he was the boss around.
“Hey Hudson!” Titus shouted happily. He had just recognized Hudson though Hudson had forgotten him.
“You two know each other?” Joyce asked Hudson surprised.
“Yeah he was the president when I was a first year two years ago” Titus said as they shook their hands.

“I know you can’t remember me. I am Titus the current president.”
“Oh I see, Comrade” Hudson replied happily.
“Joyce are you going to stay in the hostels with a barely one day old child” Hudson asked her before she stepped with both feet on the ground.
“I think I can arrange she comes and reside at my house there for a month or two and by the time semester is done her she can take her kid back home.” Madam Gladys said as she helped Joyce with some of her stuff while she alighted from the car.
“Thank you everyone for being there for me. One day I will organize a get-together for all of us for each of us to celebrate the far God has brought us” Joyce said as a sizeable crowd was beginning to form around them. Madam Gladys, Titus and a few students escorted Joyce to her room where she was to pick a few of her items


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