Sister-in-Campus 21

“You are lucky I must say to have survived that crush Joyce” Stacia said to Joyce as she settled on a seat at her room. She was coming from the hospital in town where she and Hudson had been rushed to. He r head still ached from the minor injuries she had sustained from the crush. Hudson on the other hand was had been rushed to a referral hospital in Tenwek Hospital because he sustain serious injuries on his legs. The doctors said he needed urgent attention lest he would lose his ability to use the legs again.

“I can just say it’s the hand of God that saved me that day. Just can’t imagine how life would be for my son here” she said looking at her son sleeping on Stacia’s bed.
She didn’t have an idea how reports had travelled far and wide over her accident and the circumstances surround the whole incident. Her parents had just been from calling her to know if she was doing well which she gladly confirmed to them and left them praising the Lord. Petro also had called to wish her a quick recovery and so did Debra among other members of the village and the church. For the first time she felt like the world cared about her well-being and that of her child.

The dean of students had now put a curfew on her to restrict her movements and whereabouts so that she could not get into any more danger like the one she had been through already. However she was ready to allow her closest friends to come visit her in the house. One of the first friends Antonice who had also been in the hospital with her was already at the door. She was Antonice a lady that most ladies admired her life so much. She was always smiling and happy and above all she was beacon of hope to many who came for the church services provided by the CU. If you were her friend that knew on a personal level she would not let you miss the church more than twice without following up with you. Many people up to including married people went to her for advice on how to keep going in their marriages despite the tough going. She was one of her kinds in the whole university.

“You should reach out to the wife of Hudson before her husband is out of hospital and see if you can talk to her a bit about the welfare of that family” Joyce said after some general talk between them girls. “I do appreciate what you did with me though when I get back to church I will be mostly a back bencher.”
“Wouw! I thought I had failed to bring you back to church my sister.” Antonice was surprised to hear Joyce praise her efforts which she had thought were in vain.
“Ahaa! No for once I felt appreciated that at least someone had come for me, many people only wait to talk to me when they meet me on the way. Others will do so when I get back to church” Joyce said disappointedly.
“That is the nature of the modern day Christian who will know of what his or her fellow Christian is going through social media and rumours. Few people do go to see a person to know what is preventing them from coming to church” Antonice lamented. “Well about you Stacia?”
“What about me?” Stacia asked having been caught unawares by the question.
“Do you go to church? If you do so, which one?” Antonice asked her.
“Eish! Madam Church I would appreciate if you go slowly on me on this because this is not an interrogation” Stacia said gesturing Antonice a warning.
“Am sorry if I asked a wrong question” Antonice apologized making Stacia wink at Joyce while Antonice was not watching her.
“I used to attend AIC before I joined her but now I don’t out of personal reasons like it being a dad and mum church” she went on.
“Well that is a very wrong I must say but I don’t blame for you found yourself in that kind of  a situation just like I was. I was born into a Catholic family but didn’t like some things we used to be accustomed to do but had no way of coming out of it till I joined my high school.”
“Well that sort of makes the two of us but it is a story for another day, Joyce needs you to go speak to the wife of Hudson” Stacia said switching the topic in a rather unexpected manner.
Antonice was so helpless after finding Stacia a swift topic changer especially in those matters she disliked something that she found to be her habit after some other time back when she did exactly the same in some casual talk.
“For your information I already talked to the woman that Joyce talks of here over the same issue one day when I came to see you then went later to see Hudson and found the woman there. “ Antonice explained.
“And so what became of it?” asked Joyce.
“It didn’t go well till some nurses came to tell us to argue outside the ward.” Antonice replied sadly.
As they talked Stacia received a call and stepped outside to speak to the phone where Joyce and Antonice could not here what she was saying. Though that they could see her hand gestures clearly except for the facial gestures since she was facing away from them. They continued talking about general issues and at times laughing about till Stacia finished her telephone conversation and came back to them.
“Ladies am off” she announced when she came to where they were.
“What? Is that what you have been told over the phone by whoever called you?” Joyce asked looking worried.
“I hope I didn’t bore you with what I just asked you” Antonice apologized.
“Joyce you may be right. As for Antonice stop it. Am okay with you, I just need to catch up with someone before we call it a day” Stacia said as she picked her handbag to leave. Madam Gladys entered the house just at that moment and held her hands over her waist in surprise when she saw what Stacia was doing.
“Is someone leaving just when am back” Madam Gladys asked her as she moved closer to where she was.
“Not really Madam Gladys, just need to go see someone at the student foyer” she replied to her.
“Did you have to do it right now? Could it wait since I heard you promising Joyce you would be staying with her till evening?” Madam went on. Stacia just fixed her eyes on the table mat next to where her handbag stood and remained silent like she was in an accused in a court of law expected to remain silent lest what she says be used against her. “It’s okay just go, I was just curious”
“Thank you Madam, I can come back later or tomorrow when I am done with this” Stacia said.
“You are welcome my daughter” Madam Gladys said to her though she was already out of the house at that moment.

* * * * * *

It was long since Stacia and Kalos were together. Kalos sat impatiently near the entrance of the student’s resource center sipping some tea and eating some maandazi. Stacia who he had not seen approaching approached him from behind and blind folded him from behind. She was definitely happy to see him after all that time. Kalos knew from the soft touch and scent it was obviously Stacia and didn’t bother so much to free his eyes from her hands. Instead he still started to caress the soft hands slowly before starting to remove them as he pulled her towards his body till her breasts now pressed against his neck and partly his bald head. Stacia released herself quickly from the awkward but rather pleasant posture and moved sideways to face him. He stood up swiftly and hugged her before settling down where he had been sited.
“What did I do to deserve your silence like this?” Stacia asked her as she settled on a seat opposite her.
“I just got busy with some side hassle” Kalos replied.
“Didn’t you miss all these time?” Stacia continued to ask.
“Off course I did but the work I was involved in really took the better part of my time” he went on as he thought of many things he could lie about to her. “By the way shall I order something for you?”
She shook her head and he continued to eat his maandazi and sip the tea slowly. He took out his smartphone to check something and that took the attention of Stacia.
“Wow! I see you even got a new smartphone, means you must have hit some jack pot.”
“Not really Stacia I just deny myself some pleasure to save for this phone because I wanted to do some with it?”
“Really? Like what now?”
“I want to start android programming very soon”
“Wow! So I will a baby producing android apps?”
“Exactly. I think we should be out of this place some guys are looking at me with envious eyes I don’t know why” he said finally when he was done with his order and stood up.
“We can go to my room then” Stacia suggested.
“Okay but we won’t stay there longer because I need to go see someone in town two hours from now” he agreed to her suggestion and they left the center to Stacia’s hostel which was not that far from there. Kalos was wondering what words to use on her as he felt he needed to stop the relationship and focus on some things he felt were of more importance. Beside since he had Eunita whom he was now frequenting her house he felt he could not manage them both at the same time. Besides his relationship with Eunita was now bearing fruits as he could now not rely on HELB money to survive in campus. He had even sent his parents some money one week ago and he could not forget the praises he got from his father for such an act “My son thank you so much. God bless you abundantly!”
“Babe, I want it” Stacia said when they were in her room as she started to caress Kalos.
“What do you mean Stacia?” he asked since he was clueless on what she wanted from him.
“I want in now!”  She insisted as she moved to lock the door and fetched a something from her wardrobe.
“Couldn’t it wait another day Stacia please?” He protested when he saw the packet she planted on his hands.
“If it’s not today then it’s now!” she demanded. Just then his phone started to ring and he moved to pick it.
“Who is Eunita?” Stacia asked.
“One of my recent clients” Kalos said as he picked the call.
“Kalos my child, make some time come see me today” Eunita said on the other end of the phone after they had finished to exchange greetings.


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