Sister-in-Campus 22
The time was seven o’clock when Debra
lazily turned on her bed and her children were already off to school. Namasaka
now a big a boy could wake up prepare breakfast for himself and his sister with
the help of the gas cooker so their mother could enjoy her sleep without any
worry of disturbance. With some milk in a cup and sugar left in the cupboard
Namasaka didn’t have hard time preparing tea quickly. Then he would move to
take four maandazis from the shop to share two with his sister. Since they
would be taking lunch at school they would see their mother in the evening when
they are back. They were now getting used to having Petro around and they
longed to come by the shop at that time to spend some time with them. When
Petro closed the shop he would come to the house where he assisted the children
with their homework. The children were no longer late to finish their homework
like before their father’s death when at times they would end not finish it at
all. Their mother was happy whenever she came by the door to watch the new
relationship being built between her children and her lover come shop keeper.
Namasaka who had been resistant towards Petro was finally blending in too
A Few days earlier
There was day he had come home at around
lunch time to pick something he had failed to pick in the morning only to find
Petro and his mother kissing passionately behind the shop. The two love birds
wiped their mouths in shame and tried to adjust to the sudden intrusion.
“So this is why Petro overstays here
these days?” Namasaka managed to say looking sad. Debra tried to say something
but she couldn’t manage to say anything as her mouth opened and no word came
out. Namasaka proceeded into the house where his mother followed him. She
managed to get him before he came out, “Namasaka come here”
Namasaka moved to where his mother sat
and to his amazement she made him sit on her laps.
“Mama am a big boy now you can’t do this
to me, in fact am already circumcised” Namasaka protested and even tried to
free himself but his mother held him tightly.
“But you are still my only son” Debra
went on. “I want to tell you something.”
“Mum if it is about you and him out
there I don’t feel like speaking about it, it is all wrong” Namasaka said.
“These things you may come to understand
when you grow up a little older but I want to tell you something about it. I
love Petro so much that I can’t imagine my life without him.”
“But mother it’s just four months ago
when dad died and Petro is still unmarried you are going to ruin his life”
“Namasaka your dad is now a forgotten
case, besides he never gave me the love I wanted from him except when you were
conceived and your sister.”
“Mum let me go I don’t want to hear any
more of it” Namasaka said and this time his mother let him go.
In later days Namasaka behaved like an
alien especially to Petro and when he found him with his mother he simply
passed by them like wind. It was when he found Petro helping his younger sister
with homework that he felt cornered a bit. He too needed help with homework so
he sat beside them and waited patiently for homework help.
today >>
Debra felt slightly disappointed seeing
an empty bed side just like when Daudi her husband was alive. But she replayed
the events of the previous night and smiled to herself especially she found she
was didn’t have anything on herself. It had rained and that gave her a reason
to chain Petro onto her bed for the first time. He was slowly dancing to the
tune of her music without much resistance as before, what now remained was to
make it a routine. She slide out of the blankets and dressed up slowly.
Petro had left her bed at around 5am to
his finish his sleep in his hut because he was not accustomed to waking up from
someone’s bed. He didn’t care much on whom he met on the way as he hurried back
to his father’s compound. In some way he seemed like a night shift employee
coming from work because that was the time that most of them came back home. He
opened the gate slowly and walked stealthily into his hut taking care not to
cause any commotion as he did that.
“Baba Petro did you hear that?” it was
his mother asking her husband as she turned on her bed. The old man simply
murmured something and went back to his sleep. He didn’t appreciate being
shaken earlier than when he wanted to wake up. Certainly he had not heard
anything and was not interested in it at all.
* * * * *
Kalos’s phone was ringing again with
Eunita’s number something which he found to be unusual since she never called
him twice for any ‘appointments’. He picked up the call amidist the panic that
was slowly eating him just to hear Eunita saying she was heading to the
university to pick him since she was losing her mind over him with each passing
moment something that made Kalos crazy and worried at the same time. He wanted
to stay longer with Stacia because to him he believed it was going be the last
time with her.
“Stacia” he staterd as soon as he had
hanged up the call.
“Yes babe” Stacia said as she turned to
face him.
“I want to tell you something very
important” he went on.
Stacia just nodded and watched him eyes
closely and feeling secured seeing her reflection in his eyes. She knew it was
just one of his pranks that nothing serious was going to come out of his mouth
despite the calmness he was buying as he started to speak to her.
“I want us to stop seeing each other” he
announced to her.
“Stacia I want us to stop seeing each
“Is this meant to be a joke or something
“Am damn serious about it.”
“I hope it it’s for a short time since
it’s exam time”
“In fact it is for good”
Kalos stood up and began dressing up
slowly as he looked out through the window. He felt he was doing the best thing
ever in his life but on the other side he felt he was being unfair to Stacia.
Stacia like many ladies would do refused to believe what she was hearing. She
woke up from the bed and sat next to him. She leaned on his shoulder and looked
up to him.
“What did I do to deserve this Kalos?”
she asked him. Kalos kept quite as he continued to dress up slowly. “Look at me
what is it that I am lacking that a normal woman does not have?”
Just then Eunita sent him a text
message: “At the gate, where are you?” He got up and stood facing the window
with Stacia hugging right from behind giving some pleasure in the process which
he was frantically trying to ignore. Someone started to knock the door as they
were still in that position. He turned and hugged her as a knock went on. Since she was not willing to let him go he
put her aside and went for the door. As he turned the keys to open it she
quickly pulled a dress that was on her bed to avoid any embarrassment from
whoever was knocking at the door.
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