Sister-in-Campus 23
“You look like you are in a funeral,
Kwani what is wrong dear?” Joyce asked as she entered into Stacia’s room.
Stacia turned away to wipe her tears that were already forming on her eyes. She
didn’t notice that she had been crying from the moment she got into the room
with Kalos. She had cried tears of joy then but later when Kalos started to
talk of leaving her the tears turned to the painful ones though she didn’t
realize it till Joyce mentioned it to her.
“Where did you leave your kid” Stacia
“I left her with Antonice” Joyce
“And what brings you here Joyce?”
“I came to check on you”
“I didn’t ask you to do so, am okay”
“But we are friends and so I just came
to check on you. I knew it had to be Kalos but the thought of him passing me by
the door like wind and finding you mourning is strange to me” Joyce went on.
Stacia pretended not to have heard that
and proceeded to sit and face away from Joyce staring outside the window. Joyce
felt hurt with the cold treatment that she was now facing from Stacia over
something she didn’t not quite clearly understand. Many thoughts began to cross
her mind as she tried to think over the issue that could be bothering Stacia.
She knew she needed to help her out with whatever was ailing her, however she
could do nothing if Stacia continued to give that cold treatment.
“I want to help Stacia” she said after
being quite for a while thinking on what to say to Stacia.
“You should sort out your problems first
before you can come to solve mine” Stacia replied to her plea in the most heart
breaking manner.
“Surely Stacia, that’s so uncaring of
you”, Joyce said trying look unhurt though inside herself she was hurt by those
sentiments. “How could you say that to me my dear friend?”
Stacia turned and faced Joyce with her
wet eyes. Joyce was someone she knew to be very persistent in all manner of
ways till it was becoming a nuisance to many who spent time with her. She
wanted to show her that she was not fit to solve her predicament. In her heart
she wanted someone strong enough to listen to her predicament and one who could
see beyond the facial issues.
“You know what Joyce, you can never help
me if yourself you still don’t know the father of your child. Do you even have
a clue to answer to such a question?” Stacia said as she looked directly into
her eyes. She was no longer weeping though her eyes were still wet.
“Stacia please I beg you stop it” Joyce
was now pleading.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend in the
first place let alone a lover or you were simply a nun under your pastor
father?” Stacia went on determined to rip her apart.
“Stacia! Stacia please!” tears were
forming in Joyce’s eyes and she looked like she would go through Stacia.
“Have you ever endured a dry spell in
your life? Am sure when they raped you they robbed you the virginity that you
were highly guarding so you have no idea what a dry spell is like to a person”
Stacia stopped to gauge her friend’s reaction. She looked like a provoked beast
ready to charge towards its offender in a matter of seconds. “And you are so
temperamental you want to beat me yet a few minutes ago you said you wanted to
help, look at yourself Joyce! I am just learning that you can be a pastor’s kid
and still have loose temper faster than truck losing control downhill.”
Joyce looked at herself and saw she had
already picked the nearby empty bottle of Kibao whisky and was going to break
it on Stacia’s head had Stacia not talked of it. She was so scared with herself
that she almost dropped the bottle on the floor. It was the first time she was
touching such a bottle that she had lived to know was sinful touch. She felt
embarrassed completely with herself that she was no longer a pastor’s child but
a shell of one. She moved quickly towards the door, opened it and scampered
away as fast as she could towards Madam Gladys’ house. As the door banged
behind her Stacia turned and sat on her seat and continued to look out of the
window as if the answer to her predicament was outside the window.
* * * *
Kalos was surprised that today of all
days that Eunita had actually come for him in the university something she had
not done ever since they started their relationship. She normally sent him some
cash on M-pesa to take a taxi or boda boda to her place but not come to pick
him like a kid being taken from school by his parent. As much as he felt
something was awful about the whole idea he still succeded to convince himself
that it was all for a good reason that Eunita was doing that.
“I have been very busy being audited in
the past one week and have really been near running mad” she said as they
turned on corners at Nyanchwa road towards her house.
“Oh really? I hope it is now over my
dear” Kalos said.
“It’s over till next year when that time
comes again, how about you?” She replied.
“I have been busy submitting assignments
and revising for the forthcoming end of year exams”
“Oh that is nice, just work hard so that
I can use my connection to get you a good job”
“Don’t people say that it’s hard to get
jobs these days?”
“Not really sweetie. I simply let one of
those big bellied men touch my breasts and thighs then demand for such things.
You know they are very poor in bed” she said as she stopped outside her gate.
Kalos laughed at the joke. “Please hun open that gate for me my watchman is not
around today”
Kalos opened that gate and Eunita drove
in her Fortuner inside but she left it just on the parking bay near the gate
saying she would park it properly later.
As soon as they were inside Eunita took hold of Kalos’ hand and lead him
into her bedroom where they would soon be panting together trying to outdo each
“Kalos I told you to do me injustice but
I kind of getting disappointed” Eunita managed to say after a while.
“Be calm am just getting started” Kalos
defended himself for failing to meet her expectations.
“Are you sure Kalos?” she asked rather
an unexpected question.
“I think am hungry my dear” he lied
though he was seemingly getting tired with the whole exercise. He wished he
could find some time to sleep if not just resting.
“I can give you food but not before you
give me what I want” she said jokingly as he laughed at her rather dry joke. It
was an insult to his fatigue yet he didn’t know what to say in all that.
Perhaps she would be kind enough to let him eat and even rest before they could
resume. He was sure that was what he needed at that particular moment. “I have
something to show you first of all”
“Please go ahead Eunita” Kalos urged her
as he sat upright. She turned to pick her iPhone from her bedside and started
to scroll through something.
“Come closer and see for yourself this”
she beckoned him to see some photos on her whatsapp chat. To his amazement the
photos were of him with Stacia from when he was out with her to when in her
room in that compromising situation. Kalos felt betrayed by someone he didn’t
even know, he wanted to say something but he found his mouth dry of words. The
fatigue in him was now replaced with panic.
“This is why even your preliminaries
were so down today” Eunita began to say.
“But I was taking care of that problem
once and for all” Kalos said in defense.
“And you want me to believe you?”
“Yes you should”
“I think I asked you if you had a
girlfriend and you said you were single?”
“I knew I would manage to take care of
the issue as soon as possible”
“Kalos if there is something I hate is
lies especially from someone your age” she got up and wrapped up a night dress
around herself and went out. It was already 8pm. Kalos remained sited on the
bed with his arms supporting his head feeling confused. Eunita was heading out
of the house to do something that she believed would solve the problem at hand.
It was the third time her informers had spotted Kalos with Stacia around
intimate campus yet he continually denied it whenever he asked her.
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