Wounded Pilgrim 10
Everyone was very quiet as Bartholomew was walking to the front. Everyone watched him and actually escorted him with their eyes as he walked on. He was like president inspecting a guard of honour from the way he looked both sides of the aisle. Some people wished that something could happen to prevent him from getting there but nothing happened.“Yes precious Brother Bartholomew here is the microphone” the pastor said as he gave him the microphone.
Eliezer was looking down at this time saying a silent prayer. He wished that Bartholomew could not say about the money he owes him or how they may have not been in good terms. He hoped he didn’t have anything to say about his bride. On the other hand Happiness was just confused on what to do next because she could remember what she had said to him many Sundays earlier in another church where she played the piano.
“Did the Lord show you that the preacher of today is my husband” were the words that were now paying on her mind all through like an alarm. The brother who had preached that day there, was her crush and all attempts and prayers towards him had not been fruitful. But during that frustration Eliezer came along. She had fallen for Eliezer because he had car and not that she loved him. Bartholomew for sure appeared fake to her with the pickup lines of prophecy he had tried to use on her on that particular day.
Bartholomew was in deep thoughts all this time thinking if many things among them his reputation as a potential husband to someone whom he didn’t know where to find. If he was really going to be a whistle-blower then he knew he to know where to call church next time. He remembers a brother who did what he was just about to do and what became of him. Ten years later he was still single and less of hope to get suitable sister to marry. The brother had marked wherever he went and no sister wanted to be seen or heard with let alone become his friend. Besides, Bartholomew did not want to let all the resources that had been used to materialize such a wedding.
Bartholomew took the microphone from the pastor’s hand and turned it off as he pretended to be fixing something on it. Everyone was watching closely to see whatever Bartholomew was up to. Then he turned to the pastor, “was just fixing this microphone as instructed because the people outside were not hearing anything audible enough.”
“Oh! Didn’t not think of it so” apologized the pastor.
Immediately Bartholomew turned and went back to where he sat as the pastor remained to apologize to the congregation, “Am sorry our Brother Bartholomew here was simply coming to fix the mic so that those outside can hear us and not this issue here”
Those who were holding their breath gave out a sigh of relief for that.
“I will resume my earlier question.” Pastor went on. “Is there any among you who has a reason why these two should not be joined as husband and wife?”
“Anybody? Anybody?” It was all silent as pastor asked to confirm that he didn’t lock anyone outside. “If you are still out there then you will forever hold your piece because you have not declared it here.” Ululation and clapping punctuated that statement.
As the wedding ceremony progressed on the tension began to reduce and the mood was a happy one. It didn’t take long before the groom and bride marching outside as the song of “Niwe Nyama ciakwa” played in the background. Women outside who were anxiously waiting joined the marching squad.
Bartholomew was hiding inside the watching crowd where he knew the deacons would not spot him quickly. After eating the Pilau he had been salivating he was now planning to sneak out before the ceremony got to cake cutting. Just then he got a text from a new number, “You were not to have carried out your broad day witchery. You would had me to deal with you good for nothing fellow”
He took a minute to scan the environment if there was someone looking at him but there was none. For once he felt threatened, however nothing worried him than threats from a stranger.
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