Wounded Pilgrim 14
It was just about a quarter past six when Bartholomew left Eliezer’s premises towards the main road to board the vehicle to his place of residence. Lots of things crossed through his mind as he hurried towards a small bus stop. Soon he got to the bus stop and boarded a van that was waiting there. He was soon bundled to the back of the van amidst a lady and gentleman.A phone call came through on his phone from Eliezer.
“I thought I made myself clear that I won’t be in a position to help you today or even tonight” Bartholomew said.
“Seriously Brother. My wife would hear none of this. She just wants only one man in that house for the night who is me actually!” Eliezer said from the other side. He appeared to be in distress from the way he was talking.
“Am sorry I am even in a vehicle heading back to the house”
“Then I can come over there with him and we discuss this issue”
“Just talk to her the way you did when you proposed to her and she accepted” a few people in the van laughed as Bartholomew said this over the phone.
“Brother Bartholomew please save my marriage and be my refuge as I look to sort things out” Eliezer responded before Bartholomew hanging up though Eliezer was not yet done talking with him.
As soon as he took the phone off his ear the vehicle conductor asked him for the fare and started to fumble with his pockets. “I thought I heard some money left in my pockets” he said to himself after touching his pockets for quite some time.
“Am sorry conductor I don’t think I have money in my pockets, I seem to have lost it somewhere” he managed to say to the conductor
“Boss, don’t tell me you have no money in your expensive clothes, and the way you were speaking on that expensive phone” the conductor replied.
“Or let me pay you with Mpesa if you don’t mind”
“I deal with cash my friend”
The van was soon approaching the place where he was to alight and he didn’t have a solution at hand to solve his misery. It was then that he remembered that he had bought a sister some lunch and the sister had gone ahead to keep change. The a thousand shillings was what was between him and poverty and it was all gone just like that. Then Eliezer came by and took him to his house in his car where he gladly sent him three quarters of the money he owed via Mpesa the reason why he had no cash at all with him. When he left Eliezer’s house in protest it had not occurred to him to withdraw some money so he could have some at least for bus fare.
“Conductor let me alight at the next stage and withdraw money to pay you please” Bartholomew said after a lot of thinking.
“No my friend I will go with you up to town so that I teach you a lesson never to play with my work again” the conductor bellowed back at him.
“No I will pay for him let him just alight there as he has requested” it was the driver speaking as the van slowed down to stop at a nearby bus stop.
“Thank you sir” was all Bartholomew could manage to say.
“God bless you brother” said a lady sited next to him. It was then that he turned to see Sister Petronilla smiling cunningly there
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