Wounded Pilgrim 2
It was a one bright Sunday morning different from the others since Bartholomew was in another church visiting there just to see if he could fix the bell that was ringing in him. He needed to get greener pastures as a bachelor with hopes of graduating to higher level. Certainly a person doesn’t need to hold masters to know what sort of a bell is the subject here. He had been here before so he didn’t have to be made to stand up like they do “Oh visitors among us please stand up and wave to the congregation”. The deacons all welcomed him into the church building with a warm heart, “Welcome precious Brother Bartholomew, it’s been long since you were here.”“Well at least am here” Bartholomew said as they embraced each other and he was offered to step into the church building.
During the pre-service or rather the worship service he noticed a sister was one behind the piano mistreating it with almost all of her fingers skillfully such that it mourned melodiously and everyone enjoyed it till some who not very heavy swung from side to side in harmony with the song being sung. I don’t have to tell you that this sister did not struggle to find the key of whatever song was being sung and probably if there were sisters envying her for her expertise. Bro Bartholomew like many of us wished to have written a song request so as to sing whatever special he had in mind but then time was already gone.
Into the service the song leader left the pulpit for a relatively young preacher to present the sermon of the day. The sermon was such a nice one that many “Amens” could be heard here and there most of the time since it gave people hope in their lives as well as it chastened them too. Form the old to the young, married to the single believers or should we say the unmarried believers most those above thirty and have not caught the vision. Bro Bartholomew was in another world all this the sermon was going forth. Not that he was in heavenly places in Christ Jesus or he was camping at Mount Zion. No, no. He was somewhere else looking at the unseen.
It was after the sermon that he made his move to the sister behind the piano. She was now standing up from the piano to go out shake hands of other believers and do some God bless you ministry.
“Shalom sister!” he started as he gave his hand.
“Shalom brother” she replied as they shook hands. “Looks like you wanted to play the piano. You might consider approaching one of the deacons for that”
“Ah! No sister ..?”
“Sister Happiness” she said her name.
“Am Brother Bartholomew” he too said his name.
“Oho! I have heard about you before” she went on.
“What did you about me?” he responded sounding curious.
“Ah! Not much just that you are a wonderful brother! Never mind about it” she said as she gestured they walk out. Outside many people were busy shaking hands of one another but our wonderful brother took no chance to express his heart out to the wonderful musical sister he had just met.
“You know sister you too are wonderful for the way God uses you to bless His dear children” he went on and she nodded to it. “Do you know that God predesignated before laying the foundations of the world that the two of us would actually be standing here chatting like we are doing”
“No doubt about it brother”
“And sister for such reasons that I stand here before you to bring God’s special message to you”
“On what exactly?”
“That we were meant for each other, sister Happiness”
“Wow!” she exclaimed in surprise which the brother mistook for a good response not knowing what she would say next.
“What do you have to say about it as I can see you are already feeling positive about it?”
“Are you with what you are saying here?”
“Surely my sister how could you doubt God’s word on something?”
“Actually don’t misunderstand me but I want to know how can we ascertain that it’s God’s word? Each and every day we do hear a lot of strange things being purported to be from God?” she now looked with a serious face.
“Well this is not one of those. Sister, the Lord showed me you!” Brother Bartholomew went on with his proclamation.
“And you are sure with it?” she pressed on like she was still not sure which sort of pissed him though he remained calm and happy outward.
“Am a hundred percent sure sister Happiness” he said trying to put u brave face.
“If God showed you me, did he also show you that the preacher of today is my husband?” she asked him in the most unexpected way knowing she didn’t need his answer on it.
A few minutes later Bartholomew woke up from his shock to find himself on the church bench his own, the Sister Happiness had left him as soon as she had dropped the bomb on him to go greet the people outside.
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