Wounded Pilgrim 6


Bartholomew was busy with his office work on a hot Wednesday afternoon trying to compile some wanted reports. It was not very easy work since it was work dating back to a whole year and most of it was to do with miscellaneous expenses.
“Bartholomew have you seen what I sent you” his boss asked him standing barely near his desk tapping bin the process which sort of scared him a bit. He has not seen him coming let alone notice his presence there.
“I have not seen it on my email sir” he answered innocently.
“No it is not on email, I sent it on WhatsApp” Boss corrected him. “This is the I don’t know the fifth time I am reminding you to check things I sent you over WhatsApp”
“Am sorry am not used to use WhatsApp in the office” he apologized.
“Now you will have to get used to it because even your colleagues who go out to the field use WhatsApp to submit their reports from there” the boss added. “I will ask Peter to show you how you can get documents from WhatsApp to the computer and vice versa.”

With that he was gone leaving Bartholomew to check his WhatsApp where a lot of annoying things must have been waiting him according to what he was thinking. Just then his boss called him to his office to discuss something he had just emailed him and he just went there immediately without wasting time. When he came back it was already some minutes past five and so he left immediately for the Wednesday fellowship which was always starting at about a quarter to six o’clock.
“Bartholomew what is really wrong with you these days” it was Brother Kelly speaking to him when they greeted each other after the fellowship on their way home.
“Brother I would appreciate if you be specific with your query since I can’t really understand you with what you saying” Bartholomew answered him.
“Do you think it is right with what you did to Brother Eliezer on WhatsApp is right?” he asked him and that moment Bartholomew remembered his actions on WhatsApp.
“Please mention it because there many things I may have done ignorantly Brother Allen” Bartholomew asked him.
“Is it true you have blocked Brother Eliezer after leaving his wedding group where you said you won’t contribute towards the wedding?” Allen asked him.
“Jesus of Nazareth! I have not blocked anyone to begin with and yes it’s true I did leave the group but not after saying I was not going to contribute to the wedding” Bartholomew almost bellowed. He felt someone was out to destroy him let alone spread the rumors.
“I hear up to now Eliezer can’t reach you on WhatsApp” Allen went on.
“That is not true, I have not blocked him. I am just too busy currently I have not checked the WhatsApp chats. Besides I only said I had already paid my contribution earlier”
“Brother Bartholomew why are not honest with your brother Eliezer that you don’t want to support his wedding?”
“Allen you ask questions like a police officer, are one?”
“I just have the burden of my brother Eliezer.”
“First of all are on that WhatsApp group to begin with so that you can show me what I said on the group?”
“My phone can’t manage WhatsApp and have been locked out of many forums coz of that”
“Then why are we having this discussion in the first place?”
“Because he told me about it and I felt for him.”
For once Brother Bartholomew felt this was one of the people out to cause conflict among brethren for the way they handle things. They simple things on second account or third account and the next thing they are running around with it like they were there when it happened. Aren’t these not the same person that said Brother Eugene who used to be a trustee, was living on church money simple because he tore an envelope of tithes and gave someone who wanted change?

“Let Eliezer speak to me directly over the issue if he has something to say about it, I don’t remember him appointing you his spokesman.”
“You know very well that his wedding is just weeks away now”, Allen replied as they bordered the same vehicle since they both stayed in the same locality. Bartholomew then decided to check on his WhatsApp activity something he had suspended when the boss called him to his office. He had countless unread messages some from individuals like his boss and most from the wedding committee group. There was not a single text from neither Eliezer nor his wife to be Happiness. He wondered why someone was out to ruin his name.

“Brother Bartholomew we shall revisit this issue soon”
I feel like we shall have to resolve this matter before some church elders or the pastor before the wedding is due” Allen said to him as he alighted from the van.


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