Wounded Pilgrim 21
The church service was a few minutes from kicking off with
the pre-service which mainly consisted of a praise and worship service. There was
also a session for special singing from a few church members who had been
selected to sing on that particular day. Normally on a single day the song
leader received over whelming requests in note form from those who wanted to
sing on that particular day. Sometimes there were none at all and when it
rained there would be up to twenty requests at ago. However only two or three
got the chance to sing.
Bartholomew had no courage to stand up there on the platform
to sing like many other youths of his age and those younger than him would have
wished. He often wondered where the kids young enough to be in kindergarten and
probably lower primary school got the courage to sing songs there off heard.
Some of the songs had tonal variations and would involve singing sustain minor
keys. He was sure they not trained a lot
but also their parents had a hand in that kind of singing.
He remembers back at home in the village things were
different. Unlike here in the city where only kids and youth sung specials back
there only married and old sung. Mostly such singing was expected from such a
group since they had gone through a lot in their life specially to do with
marriage and child upbringing. Since there wasn’t much time for everyone to
give testimony for whatever the Lord had done for them in their life most church
members chose to testify through songs. Songs like “Tis not an easy way to
heaven”, “They that wait upon the Lord”, “Have thine own way”, “The higher
ground” or “I shall not be moved” were often favorites for those who sung
specials. But if you were a youth and you sung a song most people would wonder
what its that makes you sing it is not an easy way to heaven or you feel like
travelling on or even you surrendering all.
The clock was ticking and already the pre-service was coming
to and end. The trustees had finished collecting tithes and offering and one
deacon was moving to the front to pray for the collections and even pray for
main service. The congregation was singing a familiar chorus “Only Believe” in
a prayerful mood. Bartholomew who had forgotten to check his phone for a while
after getting absorbed by a special singing from Sister Mercyline felt his
phone vibrate. He had been checking his phone his phone from time to time ever
since he got in the church hall. He often liked the singing from Mercyline and
at times recorded videos of her and took photos of her but since he saw she
often entertained the company of the brothers who played the musical instruments
he knew she was not available for nobodies like him. The last time he tried his
hands-on musical instruments he broke a string in one of the guitars and the
drum sets was broken after he hit it hard. The piano was complicated to him and
he was not seeing a miracle of him learning it and being able to play like a witch
to be attract people like Mercyline.
There were about three missed calls on him phone and five
unread text messages from Sister Anastacia. She is the one who had kept him
checking his phone throughout the morning. She had called him the previous
night at about eleven o’clock saying she was new to the city having moved in to
start a new job. She needed directions to the church and that someone had given
her his number for that kind of help. Although he managed to give her precise
directions to the church location he knew he had to pick her from the main road
where she would be alighting. It is the reason he had kept checking his phone
to see if she had gotten there as they had agreed. Those missed calls and texts
meant she had gotten there already and that she would probably getting bored
with him not responding to her.
“You must be Bartholomew”, she almost shouted when he
approached a woman whom he thought was the visitor. She now replacing a frown
on her face with a broad smile.
“Oh I am, and am very sorry for keeping you waiting”
Bartholomew apologized as he stretched his hand to greet her.
“It’s okay you here finally and so I am.” Annastacia stood
up from pillar stump where she had been sited and stretched her long dress. “let’s
go to church I know we are already late brother.”
They walked in silence side by side till they got the gate
of the church where each had to be frisked and inspected by the relevant
security officers.
“Do you have designated places for sisters and brothers to
sit here?” she asked him as they walked into the drive way away from the gate.
“No” Bartholomew answered as they made one of the few steps
into the church door.
The pastor was already in the pulpit already preaching and
everyone was already settled. Bartholomew went to place where he had left his
bible. It was in the third row from the front. He didn’t notice her following
him until he made like to sit down. She was right there behind him. He felt embarrassed
but he had no choice but to make more space for her on the bench where she
could sit. Since he like sitting on the edge of the bench she went in first and
he sat after she had sat an impression that was normally reserved for married
Throughout the sermon poor Bartholomew kept getting distracted
sited next to a stranger who made him feel different and awkward. While she
seemed to be enjoying the sermon and all that humor that the pastor kept adding
to his preaching he was wondering when the sermon come to an end. He would have
wished to leave the service early but then since he had his Bible with him
there that would be impossible to do since everyone would know that he left
Suddenly the pastor jumped into a song and gestured the
congregation to stand. Bartholomew felt happy the sermon was over and that the
torture was also ending. After the song was over the pastor asked the congregation
to sit again and he continued with his sermon. Bartholomew was shocked and he
took out his smartphone to check time. It was half past eleven meaning the sermon
had something like an hour to go, quite a long time to be sited listening to a
sermon you are even following. It was then that he realized the pastor had made
the congregation sing since he saw some of them were sleeping in his sermon. He
liked to preach to a sober congregation.
The pastor preached on as Bartholomew continued to agonize
when it would end. His mind was probably showing him what awaited him after the
church service outside there. During the God-bless-you time when people church members
are busy shaking one another’s hand he knew much was expected to hit him for
the great impression he had put up and all forms of comments maybe.
“Don’t leave me behind after church!” read a small note Anna
had slipped on his hand.
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