If You Asked Me - PART 5
IF YOU ASKED ME HOW long I had been preparing to face Sister Victoria to tell her I wanted me and her to be more than friends I would say the entire time right from the day I took her to church. Actually, I started to entertain the thought in my mind right from the moment she dragged me into her apartment and the VIP treatment she gave me then. I could see that she too liked me as equally as I did to her but getting to tell her from my own mouth as was required of us brother by the Message of the hour was proving a challenge to me like watching an avocado ripen. Fortunately for her every time I texted her asking to come see her she gladly accepted my visit without dilly dallying.
“Gary, you are one of my best friends so you are free whenever you find time to come by” she said. It was evident she enjoyed my company a lot as much I enjoyed hers. I was now dreaming if we leaved in close proximity like the same neighborhood, estate or even the same plot. But that would be the worst distraction of my life I would have awarded myself for sure.
Seeing a lady quite often had its own advantages and disadvantages which many at times those who gave account of them often sugar-coated them. Sometimes she wasn’t in the mood for a meet up and sometimes she was just running you crazy you almost screwed at work thinking of leaving early or not showing up at all just thinking of seeing her again. Like the previous day she just texted me that she was bored then she went offline. I tried to call her but she was not available and then I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Probably her phone had gone off because of low charge. I wished I had any of her neighbor’s phone numbers to call but then here I was.
Friday was not a good day for an accountant like me because I had to give reports of the whole week in a staff meeting at noon for like an hour. Tough questions were often asked when things were not balancing well. Fortunately, today we didn’t have much of that since most of the senior staff members were not in and so some bit of the meeting was skipped. After lunch I began to see guys leaving the office for the weekend. I would be foolish to continue staying around there doing nothing but thinking of her. Just then a phone call came through from Vic quite a relieve for me. I was about to receive it when it hanged up again. She hardly called me apart from the beeps or ‘flash backs’ as we normally called the behavior of the caller hanging up the call before you received.
“Hallo” I heard her say when she picked up.
“How are you?” I asked.
“Am fine, how about you Gary?”
“Am fine, tell me something”
“I see you tried to call me severally”
“It’s because yesterday you told me you were bored and right after that you went M.I.A” as soon as said that she laughed. “Is that funny?”
“Okay then what was it about?”
“It’s nothing”
“Are you sure? I even wanted to come over this afternoon”
“Please come am so bored”
“Okay on my way.”
I almost felt like the stone that David released from his slingshot to Goliath’s forehead had it not been the fact that I could not fly or hover to her place on a jetpack like I saw on super hero series. I had to board two vehicles to her place and that really bored me most how I wish I could be driving myself around like my boss. But who knows Canaan’s land is just in sight if I keep on contending for a great future while working towards it. I had just finished packing my bag when I heard an unexpected voice of someone clearing his throat from behind me.
“Afternoon Garrison”, it was my boss standing just a few steps from behind my desk. He seemed to have arrived a few moments ago between the time I was speaking to Vic and the time I was packing.
“Afternoon too”
“Hope you are okay”
“Good because you and me are going to have a small week review in the boardroom”
“But are you a doctor on call?”
“No but sir”
“Are you a fire engine?” I felt like crying him asking this kind of questions to me. I felt like a social injustice victim at the hands of a corrupt court that wanted to fine me for putting up a baseless case. “If it’s an idle campus girl you are rushing to screw over the weekend it can wait until after we are done with the meeting young man. Even if she is on fire, are you the only fire extinguisher she can find around?”
I had no choice but to unpack my bag take out my laptop and sit by my desk again. The reports were not ready for presentation since they were not balancing after all. Besides some records were missing since the people that were supposed to give me proofs of payment. I heard boss calling from the boardroom and I had no option but to drag myself in there. Prepared to be bashed with numerous questions and scolding I reluctantly set up my presentation. Deep down in my heart I was dying to leave the office to go see the lady that stole my heart though my heart was still intact in my body beating at its usual rate.
Two hours later I was done with the misery of the presentation and because of the mental torture I just found myself headed to my house and not where I had promised to be. Because even if I had struggled to go there, time would be far spent and it would not make for anything to be with her for an hour and then leave her to go back to my house. I was so tired that I fell on my stomach on my bed like a log with my all my clothes on and relaxed. “Where are you?” were some of the texts I knew I would be seeing from Vic but the devil didn’t want me to suffer so he made me put my phone into flight mode.
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